Allevate Releases R2.1 of its Face-Searcher EDGE Application



Integrated with Allevate’s Face-Searcher Cloud Service, built on Tygart Technology Inc’s MXSERVER™



LONDON, UK 8th November 2017:

Allevate today releases version 2.1 of its Face-Searcher EDGE application, an integral component of Allevate’s Face-Searcher service. Face-Searcher is built on Tygart’s MXSERVER and enables organisations, large or small, to utilise facial recognition as a hosted cloud service.

Incorporating the latest version of CyberExtruder’s Aureus 3D SDK, Face-Searcher EDGE incorporates the industry’s best face detection capability, ensuring that Face-Searcher is the leading cloud-hosted face recognition service in dealing with real-world challenges  created when security cameras are mounted in less-than-ideal locations.

Face-Searcher has already been successfully deployed on a national level in Brazil.

MXSERVERTM is an enterprise facial recognition cloud platform. It is the only biometric search engine on the market designed to handle Big Data (processing massive amounts of photos and videos) by leveraging a cloud-based architecture for faster parallel processing of services.  MXSERVERTM is proven and utilised by Defence, Intelligence and Law Enforcement organisations and has also been used to enhance security at major events, such as the 2015 European Games, a major international sporting event.


About Allevate Limited

Founded in London in 2007, Allevate works with law enforcement, intelligence and government agencies to enhance public safety by ensuring positive identification through the application of biometric and identification technology.

  • Ensure Positive Identification
  • Enhance Public Safety
  • Reduce Operational Costs

Visit us at, email us at, call us on +44 20 3239 6399 and follow us at @Allevate.

About Tygart Technology, Inc.

Tygart Technology, Inc. is a leading provider of enterprise-grade video and photographic analysis and biometric recognition systems. Tygart provides the U.S. Military, Intelligence Community and Law Enforcement markets with innovative software solutions that manage and automate the processing of massive volumes of digital video and photograph collections.

Visit us at or call 1-304-363-6855.

About CyberExtruder

CyberExtruder develops facial recognition technology for a broad spectrum of real-world, government and commercial applications worldwide. Designed for OEM’s, integrators and end-users, CyberExtruder’s proprietary 3D face modelling technology mitigates the challenges of pose, lighting, and expression. A convolutional neural network enhances the ability to train algorithms and deliver ever-increasing performance.

Visit for more information.

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